[heading size=”h3″ style=”dotted uk-margin-large-top”]Transportation Icons[/heading]
[heading size=”h3″ style=”dotted uk-margin-large-top”]Gender Icons[/heading]
[heading size=”h3″ style=”dotted uk-margin-large-top”]File Type Icons[/heading]
[heading size=”h3″ style=”dotted uk-margin-large-top”]Spinner Icons[/heading]
[heading size=”h3″ style=”dotted uk-margin-large-top”]Form Control Icons[/heading]
[heading size=”h3″ style=”dotted uk-margin-large-top”]Payment Icons[/heading]
[heading size=”h3″ style=”dotted uk-margin-large-top”]Currency Icons[/heading]
[heading size=”h3″ style=”dotted uk-margin-large-top”]Text Editor Icons[/heading]
[heading size=”h3″ style=”dotted uk-margin-large-top”]Directional Icons[/heading]
[heading size=”h3″ style=”dotted uk-margin-large-top”]Video Player Icons[/heading]
[heading size=”h3″ style=”dotted uk-margin-large-top”]Brand Icons[/heading]
[heading size=”h3″ style=”dotted uk-margin-large-top”]Icon font classes[/heading]
Icons can be added in menus, lists, buttons, modules, and basically, in any content. These icons are made available by Font Awesome. These icons use icon fonts which ensures they look sharp even on retina displays.
[badge style=”note uk-margin-top”]markup[/badge]
[icon style="icon-gear"/]
[heading size=”h3″ style=”dotted uk-margin-large-top”]Adding icons to Menu items[/heading]
To add an icon to a menu item, create/edit a menu item > on the menu edit screen, click on ‘Link type options’ tab > on the ‘link CSS style’ option, add the icon name e.g icon-group
[heading size=”h3″ style=”dotted uk-margin-large-top”]Adding icons to Modules[/heading]
To add an icon to a module, create/edit a module > on the module edit screen, click on ‘Advanced options’ tab > on the ‘Module Class Suffix’ option, add the icon name e.g icon-comments
[heading size=”h3″ style=”dotted uk-margin-large-top”]Adding icons to lists[/heading]
To add an icon to a list, use the list
shortcode and apply the ‘list-icons’ style > then specify the icon name in the list items. You can see more examples here
[badge style=”note uk-margin-large”]markup[/badge]
[list style="list-icons"] [li icon="icon-asterisk"]List Item 1[/li] [li icon="icon-asterisk"]List Item 2[/li] [li icon="icon-asterisk"]List Item 3[/li] [/list]